280 Prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications developed in conformance with AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel for welding 304 and 316 base metals.

  • Are you required to have qualified Welding Procedures to get contracts?
  • Are you looking to achieve consistent quality or improve it?
  • Do you need to develop Welding Quality Standards for your welding operations?
  • Are you a CWI looking to have a library of welding procedures?
  • Is welding stainless steel new for your and need guidance?

If you are welding 300 series stainless steel and using GMAW (Mig), Gas-Shielded FCAW (Flux-core), GTAW (Tig) or SMAW (stick) welding processes this collection of prequalified welding procedures has you covered.

280 Prequalified procedures covering the welding processes above.

NOTE: This product is offered electronically in PDF files available for immediate download. This is not a physical product.


NOTE: Price goes up to $697 after March 14


> GMAW (Mig) Welding Procedures Specifications for joining Stainless Steel to Carbon Steel (only available until March 14)


>> Guide on How to USE, Develop and Revise AWS D1.6 Stainless Steel Prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications

BONUS NO.1: Welding procedures for joining Austenitic Stainless Steel to Carbon Steel (only available until March 14)

Many structures and other welded products combine stainless steels such as 304L or 316L and carbon steel. The use of the right filler metal, shielding gas and welding parameters are critical. Eliminate the guesswork and potential quality issues. Take advantage of this bonus. GMAW (Mig) welding procedures for welding stainless to carbon steel ($197 Value)

BONUS NO.2: How to USE, DEVELOP and REVISE Prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications

Although the prequalified welding procedures in this collection are for 304, 304L, 316 and 316L stainless alloys, this guide will help you make the necessary changes to use any prequalified base metal with the corresponding filler metal based on the requirements of AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel.

Welding procedures are an essential component of all welding quality standards. This publication contains 280 ready-to-use stainless steel prequalified welding procedure specifications for welding 304 and 316 base metals developed in conformance with AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel. A single prequalified welding procedure can cost between $225 - $275. If you don't take advantage of using prequalified welding procedures you may need to pay between $300 - $1200 to qualify procedures by testing. A fabrication facility requiring only 8 welding procedures could potential spend over $8000 obtaining these documents.

  • 42 WPSs for GMAW - 304/304L to 304/304L and/or 316/316L (Mig .035", .045", 1/16" diameter ER308L/ER308LSi wires)
  • 42 WPSs for GMAW - 316/316L to 316/316L (Mig .035", .045", 1/16" diameter ER316/E316L wires)
  • 28 WPSs for FCAW-G - 304/304L to 304/304L and/or 316/316L (Flux-core Gas-shielded .045", 1/16" diameter E308L wires)
  • 28 WPSs for FCAW-G - 316/316L to 316/316L (Flux-core Gas-shielded .045", 1/16" diameter E316L wires)
  • 14 WPSs for GTAW - 304/304L to 304/304L and/or 316/316L (Tig 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32" diameter ER308L/ER308LSi filler rod and 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32" diameter EWTh-2 tungsten electrode)
  • 14 WPSs for GTAW - 316/316L to 316/316L (Tig 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32" diameter ER316L/ER316LSi filler rod and 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32" diameter EWTh-2 tungsten electrode)
  • 56 WPS for SMAW - 304/304L to 304/304L and/or 316/316L (Stick 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16" E308L-15, E308L-16, E308L-17 diameter electrodes)
  • 56 WPS for SMAW - 316/316L to 316/316L (Stick 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16" diameter E316L-15, E316L-16, E316L-17 electrodes)

280 Total prequalified welding procedure specifications

NOTE: Price goes up to $697 after March 14

Prequalified Welding Procedures must use the prequalified weld joints provided by AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel. The WPSs in this collection use the 14 most common joints which cover fillet welds, partial joint penetration welds and complete joint penetration welds. These welding procedures may be used with all other prequalified joints as well.

Below are the 14 joints included for every process and every filler metal diameter.


Easily create additional prequalified welding procedures

FREE GUIDE - Use with your prequalified WPSs

With the free guide on HOW TO USE, DEVELOP AND REVISE PREQUALIFIED WELDING PROCEDURES expand these 280 prequalified welding procedures into many more. Simply use additional joint configurations or different filler metal specification and shielding gases as permitted by AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel. All you need to do is look up details for additional joints and check to make sure the new filler metal and shielding gas is allowed for prequalification with the free easy-to-follow guide.

Ready to use documents

Sample Prequalified WPS

The prequalified welding procedure specifications are ready to use. All you need to do is enter your company information along with a signature for approval and you are in business!

You can also take the information provided in these welding procedures and use your own form and customize it to your liking.

Blank form provided for additional customization

A blank form is provided along with the prequalified welding procedures. It is also included with your purchase as a Microsoft Excel file for easy customization. Simply use the details found in the prequalified WPSs and add your company logo or any other information.

Digital format to use anywhere

Easily pull up your WPS on smartphone or tablet

All 280 prequalified welding procedures are provided in PDF files which makes it convenient to access anywhere. The files may be printed to provide to welders, supervisors, quality personnel or whoever else needs access to them. They can also be viewed and saved on smartphones, tablets, ipads, laptops or any other device that can open PDF files.

Provided in the format specified by AWS D1.6

All Prequalified WPS in conformance with AWS D1.6

All prequalified procedures are written following the format provided by AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel. This ensures that no essential information is left out and makes it easier for inspectors and auditors to evaluate and approve the welding procedures.

>>> NOTE: Price goes up to $697 after March 14 <<<


(All 280 WPSs are provided in the format shown below)

Sample Prequalified Welding Procedure Specification (above)

Get all 280 Prequalified Welding Procedures!

Plus: FREE WPSs - for welding Stainelss to Carbon Steel ($197 value) and Guide on using, developing and revising prequalified WPSs.


Buy Now 

> NOTE: Price goes up to $697 after March 14


My customer requires my company to have qualified welding procedures per AWS D1.6. Can I use these procedures?

Yes. These procedures are prequalified based on the requirements of Clause 5 (Prequalification) of AWS D1.6/D1.6M:2017 Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel, and therefore exempt from testing.

Can I make changes to prequalified welding procedures?

Yes.  Changes are permissible as long as they follow the requirements of AWS D1.6. Simply used the bonus guide How to Use, Develop and Revise Prequalified WPSs to make changes to your procedures.

The prequalified welding procedure I need specifies AWS Classification ER316LSi but I need to use ER309LSi.  Can I still use this procedure?

Yes.  As long as the filler metal is permitted for used in the applicable base metal per AWS D1.6 for prequalified welding procedures additional filler metals may be used. Simply refer to Tables 5.2 and 5.3 of AWS D1.6 to verify. Then, simply follow the recommended parameters by the manufacturer of the filler metal and revise your prequalified WPS.

Why do prequalified procedures say “verify that welding parameters conform to the filler metal manufacturer’s recommendations?”

One requirement of prequalified WPS is that the welding parameters such as wire feed speed, amperage, voltage and shielding gas are within the recommended operating parameters of the manufacturer of the filler metal you are using.  Chances are you will never need to make adjustments, but you must always check.

What happens if I need to use a joint that is not included in this package?

These prequalified welding procedures cover 14 of the most common joints. However, there are more prequalified joints allowed by AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel.  All you need to do is look up the joint you need in this code and follow the joint details and tolerances.  You can create a new prequalified welding procedure using all of the other information already provided in the procedures included in this package. 

The FREE BONUS: How to Use, Develop and Revise Prequalified Welding Procedures Specifications will walk you through all of this.  It is simple as long as you follow this step-by-step guide.  

What if I have questions after I make the purchase and start using the welding procedures?

As with our other resources, all you have to do is email us.  As questions come in, we will add them to this FAQ and share them with all who have purchased the product.  Chances are if you have a question then many more will. This way we help everyone out which is one of the things we love about our community. You can email us anytime at